Monday, November 14, 2011

A Day at the Horse Races.

The idea of dating again was really scary for me, but these were the cards I had been dealt. My plan (if you could call it that) was to just dive right in! I had been quite out of touch with the dating scene, and I had so many questions! I wasn't very good at flirting anymore which really took me by surprise. I figured it would get easier over time. I mean, really.. how hard could this be? It’s like riding a bike, right?

Wrong. Men are still confusing as ever- perhaps even more so now. My reintroduction into "Date Land" was like ripping off a Band-Aid: it sucked, but at least I got it over with quickly.

Exhibit A. This guy was funny and the perfect balance of responsible yet fun loving, but something was off. I couldn't quite figure him out. Of course, I also felt like I had just gotten off the Tilt-a-Whirl. What did I know about anything anymore? I had convinced myself that I might as well give him a chance. (Side note: girls.. if you ever have to convince yourself of anything, you can bet your bottom dollar it is not a good idea). We spent a few days texting, and lo and behold, he asked me out on a date. Like, a real date- a "grab dinner and a drink because I want to get to know you better" date. None of this "lets hang out (but I am not actually going to take you anywhere)" bologna that guys try to pull. No, this was a real date. POW! And we're off!

Two days before the “date”, he promised to get back to me with the precise details. That seemed reasonable enough. In fact, I was actually more than happy to wait. He was planning everything! That take-charge attitude was really refreshing. Well, two days came and went. Date night came and went. I even tried reaching out to him thinking maybe we had gotten our signals crossed. I never heard from him again. Let me remind you, HE asked ME out on the date. Really guy?

"And we're off! Houdini strikes out for the lead! He is taking the inside. Oh, there's trouble on the first turn AND OH NO! THERE'S A FALL! Houdini is DOWN!!"

This was not a good start.

Fresh Start.

I have been encouraged by a girlfriend to keep a running account of my failed attempts at romance, or rather, how romance has failed me. She finds it rather amusing; I hope you will, too.

First, we must start at the beginning. Just a matter of months ago, my six-year relationship came to a screeching halt for reasons that I still cannot comprehend. It was like an earthquake so powerful that it shifted the rotation of my world, and I am still feeling the aftershocks. Obviously, the beginning was rough. My heart, my will, my drive… all leveled.  But now, I am starting the rebuilding process. Initially daunting and terrifying- now it is rather gratifying. It is like buying a house; when you start from scratch, you can make everything custom. I feel like a new me, a better version of me. I feel free.

But that freedom comes with a price, ladies and gents, and it is called "dating". Follow me through the "why did you think that was ok" and the "what planet are you from" moments. I guarantee a lot of laughs along the way. Happy dating <3